Thanks for visit my page, at this time i want to share about my project "how to create lettering from line in adobe illustrator".
okay.. let's cek it out :D.
Basic of create digital or manual lettering for me is make guidelines for letter regularity.
I create guidelines with ruler in in adobe ilustrator (View-ruler-show ruler- pull the ruler from the side).
i free to choose the angle, I suggest not exceed 45 degrees.
I provide 3 blocks for one letter. its function is 2 blocks for the main letter and one block for the tail of the letter.
next, I create a help line (blue line) that serves to put the tail of the letter in the next letter. All the letters will meet at the point of intersection of the line and the next letter. This will make the letters look beautiful and uniform
next, i have start to create lettering from line use pentool(p). I wrote the word hello sunshine with vintage style.
Next, i start to thicken the letters with widht tool (shift + W). The next basic of lettering is to adjust the thickness of the letter line. For the rising line (up) have a thin line (green arrow) and for the line down it has a bold line (red arrow).
When finished setting the thickness, I tidied the nodes on lettering. it is preferable that the line nodes are always perpendicular in order to have a good shape.
This is the result after tidying up
This is the result after I give the coloring and the shadow effect. What do you think?
That's how I make lettering from adobe illustrator if you have any suggestions and questions please contact me on donis4design@gmail.com.
thanks for watching my project
Best regards
Donis M
CEO Din Creatype Studio